
| Su Chen

陈肃, 加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)东亚图书馆馆长。 曾任华中科技大学哲学系助教,讲师、麦吉尔大学东亚研究馆员,明尼苏达大学东亚图书馆馆长。 2015年馆长一职由匿名捐赠者捐资冠名Su Chen Endowed Head of Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library。 其研究兴趣集中在海外中国研究的出版与趋势、北美东亚图书馆历史、及北美藏中国研究相关文献资源的发掘与介绍。 近期出版物有《海外中国研究现状与趋势分析:2006-2016》,《北美民国研究档案资源指要》, 《美国明尼苏达大学图书馆藏基督教男青年会档案-中国年度报告1896-1949及国际干事小传及会所小史》等。
Su Chen earned her BA and MA in Philosophy from Guizhou University and Huazhong University of Science & Technology in China and a MLIS from McGill University, Canada. She served as East Asian Studies Librarian at McGill University and Head of East Asian Library at the University of Minnesota. In 2011, she was appointed Head of Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library at UCLA. And in 2015, her position was endowed and named as Su Chen Endowed Head of the Richard C. Rudolph East Asian Library. Her research interests primarily are in three areas, publication trends of English monographs on Chinese studies; archival resources related to China and history of East Asian libraries.