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![]() 中国高校人文社会科学文献中心 China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library |
中国高校人文社会科学文献中心(China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library, CASHL)是在中华人民共和国教育部的领导下,以“共建·共知·共享”为原则,以“整体建设,分布服务”为方针,为高校人文社会科学的教学和科研提供文献资源的保障体系。中国高校人文社会科学文献中心的具体职责是组织具有学科优势、文献资源优势、和服务条件优势的若干高校图书馆,有计划、有系统地引进和收藏国外人文社会科学文献资源,借助现代化网络,采用集中式门户(http://www.cashl.edu.cn)和分布式服务相结合的方式,为中国高校、研究机构和学者提供综合性的文献信息服务。中国高校人文社会科学文献中心的资源服务体系由2个全国中心(北京大学、复旦大学),7个区域中心(武汉大学、吉林大学、中山大学、南京大学、四川大学、兰州大学、北京师范大学),8个学科中心(东北师范大学、华东师范大学、南开大学、山东大学、清华大学、厦门大学、浙江大学、中国人民大学)和902家成员馆构成。 The China Academic Social Sciences and Humanities Library (CASHL) is a guarantee system to provide resources supporting university curriculum and research on social sciences and humanities. Under the leadership of the Ministry of Education of the People‘s Republic of China, CASHL adheres to the guideline of “Comprehensive Construction, Distribution Services” and the principles of “resource co-collecting, knowledge access and equal sharing”. CASHL’s mission is to select a number of top university libraries that have discipline specialization and service capabilities to collect imported resources on social sciences and humanities in a planned and systematic manner. With the assistance of modern network, a centralized portal (http://www.cashl.edu.cn) which combines distributed collections and services is designed and established to provide information service to the universities and research institutes in China. CASHL System consists of 17 core libraries, as 2 national centers (Peking University and Fudan University), and 7 regional centers (Wuhan University, Jilin University, Sun Yat-sen University, Nanjing University, Sichuan University, Beijing Normal University, Lanzhou University), and 8 disciplinary centers (Northeast Normal University, East China Normal University, Nankai University, Shandong University, Tsinghua University, Xiamen University, Zhejiang University, and Renmin University of China) and 902 member libraries. |
![]() 北美中国研究图书馆员学会 Society for Chinese Studies Librarians |
北美中国研究图书馆员学会(Society for Chinese Studies Librarians, SCSL)是一个在美国注册,非赢利,非政治的学术组织。北美中国研究图书馆员学会的宗旨是在北美为从事中国研究的图书馆员提供一个开展学术活动,交流专业经验,共享信息资源,加强合作的平台。2010年3月,学会成立于费城,成员来自北美50余所高校研究型图书馆,多为东亚图书馆馆长,中文部主任,资深研究馆员,以及兴趣于中国文献资 源的学者。由于学会成员都毕业于中国最优秀的大学,在北美取得硕博士学位,长期从事文献资源的研究,教学,和图书馆专业工作,日濡月染于中西文化,兼具中西学术底蕴和语言专长,因此在促进中外文化交流,特别是在图书馆的领域,发挥了特殊的桥梁作用。学会的学术刊物是《天禄论丛》。 Registered in United States, The Society for Chinese Studies Librarians (the SCSL thereafter) is a non-profit, non-political academic organization aimed at promoting scholarly activities, professional exchange, information sharing, and project collaboration among Chinese Studies Librarians, so as to better contribute to Chinese Studies in general and to research with Chinese resources in particular. The SCSL members are Chinese Studies Librarians who join the organization of their own free will. The SCSL also accepts applicants who are not Chinese Studies Librarian, yet possess a strong interest in conducting research on resources related to Chinese Studies. |
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![]() 北京大学图书馆 Peking University Library |
北京大学图书馆创建于1898年,是中国第一座国立综合性大学图书馆,也是中国最早的现代新型图书馆之一。北京大学图书馆现由总馆与医学图书馆、学院(系)图书馆等41个院系分馆组成,是学校人才培养和科研创新的重要支撑、学术竞争力和思想引领力的重要保障、校园文化建设和信息资源管理的重要阵地。一代又一代学子,从这里眺望世界,走向未来。 经过百二十五年的发展,北京大学图书馆已经形成了宏大丰富、学科齐全、珍品荟萃的馆藏体系,现有纸质文献800多万册,古籍160万册。电子资源种类齐全,现有数据库470个,电子期刊11万余种。总馆全年开放楼内服务354天,每周开馆112小时,线上提供365天 x 24小时服务。 北京大学图书馆将坚持“用户导向、服务至上”基本理念,积极融入学校立德树人和“双一流”建设伟大征程,持续完善全校文献保障和信息服务体系,不断开辟事业新领域,塑造行业新优势,向着世界顶级图书馆迈进! Peking University Library, established in 1898, is an ancient yet modern institution and the first national comprehensive university library in China. Comprising the main library, the medical library, and 41 branch libraries, Peking University Library serves as a crucial support for talent cultivation and scientific research innovation, a guarantee for academic competitiveness and intellectual leadership, and a vital platform for campus cultural construction and information resource management. Throughout the years, generations of students have acquired knowledge and embarked on innovative explorations from here. After 125 years of development, Peking University Library currently holds over 8 million printed collections, 1.6 million ancient books, and an extensive range of electronic resources, including 470 databases and over 110,000 electronic journals. The main library is open for service 354 days a year, with 112 opening hours per week, and provides a 365 days × 24 hours online service all year round. Moving forward, Peking University Library will adhere to the basic principles of being "user-and service-oriented" and actively integrate into the university's mission of cultivating virtue and building a "world-class universities and first-class disciplines" institution. The library will continuously develop collection construction and information service, explore new areas of innovation and strive to become a world-class library. |