邹秀英,美国克莱蒙特大学联盟亚洲研究图书馆馆长。毕业于四川师范大学、四川外国语大学和美国匹兹堡大学,获英美文学硕士、政治学硕士、图书馆与信息学硕士。长期从事北美中国学研究参考咨询与服务工作,现为北美东亚图书馆协会执委会委员、北美中国学研究图书馆员学会执委会委员。研究兴趣包括东亚图书印刷史,华裔美国人历史,原始资源信息素养。研究成果包括图书信息科学论文,汉英双解图书信息科学词典,以及传教士文学译著。 XiuyingZou, Head of the Asian Library, The Claremont Colleges Library. She graduated from the Sichuan Normal University, and Sichuan Foreign Languages Institute with a BA in English, and an MA in Political Science, and an MLIS from the University of Pittsburgh. She has extensive experience in reference and research consultation in Chinese studies in North American, and currently serves on the Executive Board of the Council on East Asian Libraries (CEAL), and the Executive Board of the Society for Chinese Studies Librarians (SCSL). Her research interest includes history of the book in East Asia, Asian American history, and primary source literacy. Her research accomplishment includes published articles and bi-lingual dictionaries in library science and translated books of missionary literature.